About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Our mission is to provide sustainable solutions to humanitarian causes in East Africa.
Our vision is to mobilize and empower local communities in East Africa to promote self-sufficiency in addressing humanitarian causes while avoiding poverty obscenity and maintaining transparency between donors and recipients. This includes detailing the allocation of project funds and separate administrative costs and respecting our recipients’ privacy and autonomy regarding media, including but not limited to photography and videography.

Our Story
​During the summer of 2021, on a vacation to Tanzania, Khawllah and Hosam met a local community member who kindly welcomed them into his community and home. Unfortunately, the local village of Mchecho in Unguja/Zanzibar did not have access to clean, running water and utilized local ocean water for their everyday needs. The nearest source of fresh water came from a well at a nearby village, which was about an hour away. Additionally, the village did not have access to electricity, which proved to be an added stressor in the community members’ lives. Determined to work with the community to provide resources to promote self-sufficiency, Khawllah and Hosam launched ‘The Ummah Project (TUP)’ with hopes of providing sustainable solutions to humanitarian causes in the region through community mobilization and empowerment.